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Who is the most successful lawyer or the most strict judge in the Netherlands?

LegalRobot ™: The First Intelligent Dutch case law machine is expected as Beta on www.semlab.nl/legalrobot this October. This web application uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and will be offered free of charge to legal experts and lawyers. The application includes all public cases for criminal and related case law. Other case law is added in the course of this year.

The AI LegalRobot™ has analyzed the documents so you:

  • can filter out the defendant or perpetrator characteristics.
  • can search in specific sections of the document.
  • can filter by judge or lawyer.
  • can select acquittals or convictions.

This makes it possible to estimate which lawyer at which court for which type of offense is most likely to achieve an acquittal.
Legal robot mannetje v3 middel
LegalRobot ™ is registered as a trade mark in the Benelux by SemLab Ltd.

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