All posts tagged ViewerPro

November 29, 2010

SemLab website redesigned

The SemLab website has been redesigned. The new website is more easy to navigate, with information that is concise and with updated graphics. The two flagship products, ViewerPro and Meditra now have their own dedicated sections, and there are separate pages dedicated to our research projects and careers.

Have a look at SemLab’s new website


October 20, 2010

EuroScope project receives Service Innovation & ICT funding

Semlab, together with Partners Infa and DowJones, received funding from the Netherlands’ newest innovation programme Sii (Service Innovation & ICT) for their Innovative project ‘EuroScope’.

The Sii programme aims at making the Netherlands the European center for smart information and media services as well as for financial logistics.

With the EuroScope project, Semlab and partners will research the possibility of using live news information and automatic semantic anaylsis to improve the state of the art in personalised financial planning software.


September 22, 2010

SemLab pitch at PICNIC event

SemLab has been invited to give a pitch at the PICNIC event’s pitch night. Ten selected companies will present their product or service to a panel of experts, who will offer personalized recommendations to each company. For both participants and the audience, this will be an exciting night focused on learning, growth and innovation.

SemLab will present their ViewerPro semantic analysis platform.

For more information: PICNIC pitch night


August 25, 2010

ViewerPro connects to Reuters Market Data System

ViewerPro, Semlab’s news flow algorithms and analytic suite, is now connected to Thomson Reuters Market Data Systems (RMDS). In order to interact and develop emerging news analysis tools, users can utilize a fully integrated RMDS news flow algo, based on SemLab’s superior semantic web technology.

For more information: Reuters RMDS website


August 24, 2010

Vacature: Java Developer

SemLab is een groeiend kennisintensief en innovatief softwarebedrijf met hoogopgeleide medewerkers.
SemLab heeft een internationale klantenkring, die bestaat uit de grootste financiële services organisaties in Europa. Ook klanten in Nederland worden bediend met beslissingsondersteunende applicaties waarbij het er om draait de beschikbare informatie juist te interpreteren en snel de juiste actie te ondernemen.
Of het nu gaat om patiëntenzorg of de handel in derivaten, SemLab’s nieuwste software applicaties ondersteunen de professional met de juiste informatie om snel tot het optimale resultaat te komen.

SemLab maakt nu een grote groei door en zoekt per direct een:


SemLab zoekt een enthousiaste software developer met ruime kennis van Java.

Heb je een HBO of academische opleiding in software ontwikkeling? Heb je ruime ervaring met ontwikkelen in Java en lijkt het je interessant om te werken aan taaltechnologiën of beslissingsondersteuning? Neem dan contact met ons op voor een uitdagende baan.

We bieden een interessante functie met doorgroeimogelijkheden, een marktconform salaris en leuke collega’s.


Mail naar of bel naar 0172 494 777 en vraag naar Dr. Mark Vreijling.

Acquisitie op deze functie wordt niet op prijs gesteld.


August 16, 2010

Active summer for SemLab

Even though summertime is usually a calm time for technology companies, SemLab has been very active in several commercial projects. We have been installing, testing and running our ViewerPro software at several large financial institutions and organisations in various countries. In addition, we are involved in several international research projects.


May 25, 2010

NORM – News Optimised Risk Management project started

The NORM project has now officially started. NORM, short for News Optimised Risk management, is a project commissioned by the European Union to research the effects of financial news on market risk predictions. In order to study this, the project will use SemLab’s ViewerPro system for automated semantic news analysis, together with state of the art risk modelling techniques.


May 22, 2010

SemLab starts several International Projects in Financial News Analysis

In the coming months Semlab’s ViewerPro system for automated semantic analysis of financial news, will be used by several international financial organisations in Japan, the USA, France, Germany, the U.K and the Netherlands.

ViewerPro processes incoming financial news events and determined the impact of messages on equity portfolios.


February 18, 2010

ViewerPro now covers multiple European stock exchanges

ViewerPro was already connected to news sources such as Thomson Reuters, Dow Jones and various RSS feeds, and has now expanded by covering multiple European stock exchanges.

ViewerPro now incorporates the FTSE AllShare index (London), the AEX (Amsterdam), BEL20 (Brussels), DAX30 (Frankfurt) and the CAC40 (Paris), thereby automatically identifying news events for companies within the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France.

In the nearby future, we will expand further to for example south European stock exchanges.


January 28, 2010

ViewerPro Client evaluation CD ready for launch

The finalised copies of the ViewerPro Client evaluation CD are ready to be handed out at the next few meetings that Semlab will attend.

This promotional CD contains a fully functional trial version of the ViewerPro client for financial news analysis, intended for evaluation purposes. This trial includes access to the live DowJones Newswire feed and includes installers for Microsoft Windows and Linux platforms.